Leadership Culture will be the main differentiator for
global competitiveness
A WANT - Culture and business ethics will pay off
Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Heribert Schmitz
Executive Leadership Consulting
Member of several Advisory Boards
former Honorary Professor Hochschule Furtwangen University, Germany
former Adjunct Professor Northwest University in Xi'an, China
former Vice President of Hewlett-Packard Corporation and Chairman of the Management Board and later of the Supervisory Board Hewlett-Packard in Germany
former Vice President and Member of the Executive Committee of the
American Chamber of Commerce in Germany
His main subjects and concerns are around
Leadership, Corporate - Culture, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
and it's influnce on the motivation of the workforces and on the competiveness of companies and the societies with regard to performance, flexibility and innovation.
author of a book:
Raus aus der Demotivationsfalle" published in Gabler Verlag 2005
(get rid of the domotivation trap, how to create a want culture)
Speeches / Lectures
He has given many speeches to national and international audiences.
He has given guest lectures at the universities of Esslingen, Cologne, Stuttgart (SIMT), at the WHU in Koblenz-Vallendar, at the HHL in Leipzig, Mulhouse (FR) and St. Thomas University, Rom, Northwest University in Xi'an und Suzhou (China), Singapore
* Advisory Boards / Memberships:
Member of Research Group Business and Finance at the Weltethos Institut
at the Tübingen University (www.ethisch-oekologisches-rating.org)
Honorary Member of the AFSM International German Chapter
Member of the VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure)
Chairman of the Board of Gesangverein Harmonie 1865 Goldbach e.V.